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Social Responsibility: How the Cloud empowers organizations

Social Responsibility: How the Cloud empowers organizations

Over the years, there has been much talk about how the cloud has put businesses up for success. Forging ahead with digital innovation, a new tale emerges—cloud computing is taking center stage in the government, education, and even non-profit organizations.

Cloud infrastructure, in fact, has been lingering around these organizations for quite some time already. As such, the unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic only left them with no choice but to adapt to this new age of digitalization. Without a doubt, cloud computing allowed NGOs to make a more powerful impact in our community. However, more are still missing out on the benefits of leveraging the cloud. In this feature, we’ll look at how the Cloud empowers organizations to fulfill their mission and social responsibility.

  • See through the clouds

    Most, if not all, projects and initiatives of non-profit organizations are sponsored through donations. This is why creating a culture of transparency and accountability is as crucial as attaining their goals. Good thing, digital innovation makes it possible for organizations to instill a culture that encourages everyone to serve with integrity.

    Integrating to the cloud allows organizations to streamline donation drive activities and, most importantly, lets everyone see who, where and when a transaction takes place. It creates a shared sense of ownership and increases productivity in day-to-day tasks as it eliminates the hassle of manually recording transactions. With automated alerts, dashboards, and reports, it’ll be easier to make strategic decisions on how they can efficiently manage their limited funds to help as many people as they can.

By migrating to the cloud, non-profit and non-government organizations can benefit from the low-cost yet advanced and highly secured technology to deliver quality services to the community. Here are some of the other advantages:

  • Non-costly for the non-profit

    NGOs are often challenged by insufficient funds, which hinders them from shifting to the cloud. The truth is, cloud infrastructure does not have upfront charges and they will only pay for the services they use. Utilizing the cloud is actually more cost-effective in the long run.

  • Strengthens your advocacies

    As previously mentioned, cloud-computing promotes efficiency. With cloud, organizations can quickly and securely leverage technology to support fundraising, program management, and more. It streamlines your everyday tasks so you can focus on what matters most: your advocacy.

  • Breaking down barriers

    With the right information at their fingertips, organizations can process day-to-day tasks quicker and save time searching for files or filling gaps of missing data. No barrier will stand in their way with the cloud that supports real-time communication and reliable data delivery.

The Digital Transformation of Non-Government Organizations

In an age where digitization has been increasingly important, it’s the perfect time for NGOs to reassess and strengthen their operations. As always, we are here to help. Apper brings you tailor-fit solutions to ensure you get the most out of your cloud journey. With our cloud infrastructure, organizations will be able to reach their goals and help more people while making a real impact in society.

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